Sam’s Blog will be a weekly addition to the US Youth Soccer Blog. Sam is the Director of Coaching Education for US Youth Soccer
Editing continues on the next Novice Coach DVD from US Youth Soccer. John Thomas and I have been in the studio working on the project quite a bit recently.
The fun part of any DVD project is the filming since then we are on the field working with the players. The most labor and time intensive part is the editing. The current project takes the existing Novice Coach DVD and splits it in two. One DVD will now be for U6 and U8 and the other will be for U10 and U12. Some new footage for U10 was shot and the U12 footage is all new. The target audience again is the parent/coach new to the sport of soccer and the art of coaching.
So now my questions to you are what coaching education products would serve your needs? What topics need to be addressed within the realm of the arts and sciences of coaching? What type of media would you like to be used for the information to be delivered?